Customized Service

Making Suitable Tape Solutions Over 3 Decades

For 31 years, we have provided customized solutions tailored to your budget and unique applications. Discuss your ideas with our specialists and we will produce accurate results that speak to your brand’s vision to garner your market’s interests. We will work with you in the design and manufacturing of tapes.

Dream. Design. Deliver.
Technical Support at Every Level

Bringing Life to Your Concept

Trained specialists deliver detailed and comprehensive technical guidance and support while complying with industry requirements to minimize hassles.

Changes and modifications can be passed through our specialists, who use the latest technology to respond to your concerns right away.

We have personalized solutions for manufacturers within your budget and perform optimally in any setting.

Well-trained experts provide customers with detailed and comprehensive technical guidance and support

Factors to Consider Before Production

Surface Types & Conditions
Special Performance Requirements
Environmental Factors

Finding the Right Substrate for Quality Tapes

We constantly fill our stock with a wide array of adhesives, films, and substrates ready for immediate and efficient production.

Based on 31 years of experience, we take in materials that meet international standards and retain reliable suppliers in our network. Call on Crown to find the right barrier most suited to your market’s specific applications.

Staff check product details
Refining the Quality in Every Step

Our Thorough Product Design Process

We work with you on creating tapes that match your brand’s quality through custom formula for adhesions. Using quality materials from renowned suppliers, our team’s advanced chemistry precisely produces strong adhesion that leaves no marks and stays long under any condition.

Along with our formula, we use recyclable kraft paper and other materials to reduce waste accumulation and match surfaces seamlessly.

Manufacturing Details

Custom Production Process

With 100 production lines and specialized workshops for our tapes, our factory handles multiple conversion processes for the best results. To ensure quality, our manufacturing process follows ISO and other cleanliness and safety standards while efficiently using materials to minimize any delays throughout the process.

Well-equipped tape production workshop
Fast-moving transporter
Punctual and Without Delay

Quality Packaging and Fast Delivery

With in-house transport vehicles, we deliver every package to you safely on time. With durable cardboard and other packaging materials, we offer different packaging options that guarantee full protection for our products. We prepare documents for export and delivery to reduce any hassles.

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We're to help.

Need help to find the right adhesive tapes for your project? Contact us if you need teechnical or application advice or want to collaborate with a Crown’s technical specialist.

Talk to Our Expert

*We respect your confidentiality and all information are protected.